How To Keep Your Carpet Steam Cleaner Clean

A carpet steam cleaner is your tool to keep your carpet in good condition at all times. But just like any other types of machine, a carpet steam cleaner should also require some maintenance to keep it quality in tip top condition and for you to have it for as long as you like.  In this article, we will give you the best tips on how to clean a carpet steam cleaner after every use. It is important to store it clean so it will not develop any kind of moisture inside that may be a breeding ground for harmful bacteria.

You should know how to clean a carpet steam cleaner so that aside from the risk of having bacteria buildup, you can also avoid the risk of developing unwanted clogs inside the machine’s mechanism that may result into damage. Also, make it a habit to empty the water container of the carpet steam cleaner where moisture can start to build up. Anyway, when you purchase your own carpet steam cleaner, on your user’s manual guide, you will find a list of how to clean a carpet steam cleaner. Although they may vary from one brand to another, always think that every instruction list given by different manufacturers follow a general guideline on how to clean a carpet cleaner.

A general guideline on how to clean and maintain a carpet steam cleaner:

  1. Make sure to tie or wrap all of the cords of the carpet steam cleaner. This will prevent the cords to be damaged. Damaged cords are unsafe! The exposed wires may harm the one who is using the steam cleaner. Also, you may want to be reminded that water and electricity should not be together in most of the time. You will surely damage your carpet steam cleaner when water hits the open wire on your steam cleaner’s cord and worst – this may also cause untoward situations like electric shortage which may cause fire.
  2. Empty the tank of your carpet steam cleaner after every use. You can run hot water in it to get out hard to remove debris inside.
  3. When you are using the carpet steam cleaner, make sure that the water level is still sufficient. Refill the container when needed.
  4. After using the carpet steam cleaner, make sure to wipe everything dry(the body, cords, tanks, containers – everything!) this will avoid any kind of untoward buildup like rust and bacteria which may definitely damage the machine and your family’s health as well.
  5. Place the machine in a storage where it can be safe standing. If your carpet steam cleaner comes with a body cover, make sure to use it so that it won’t accumulate dust in time.
  6. Always use the right kind of cleaning agent for a carpet steam cleaner. There is a purpose why a specific cleaner was invented for this use. So try not to invent your own which might be too harmful for your carpet and your cleaner.
  7. It is understandable not to use your carpet steam cleaner for a long period of time. But at least make it a point to turn on the engine every now and then, just to see if your machine is still working. It is very possible for any kind of mechanism to experience stuck up especially if it was not used for a long period of time.
  8. Don’t over use your carpet steam cleaner. Using it for more that the recommended hours of use may damage your machine. You can always check your user’s manual guide to see the number of recommended hours of use.

So these are the guidelines on how to maintain and keep your carpet cleaning machine clean to make it last for a long time.

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